Handelinge 2:14a, 36-41 – 23 April
Derde Sondag van Pase
Carolyn Brown suggereer dat die preek van Petrus en die reaksie van die gehoor gebruik word as ‘n opvoering van die gebeure: “1) To bring this reading to life, set the scene at 50 days after Easter and either summarize or read verses 22-24 to flesh out Peter’s message about Jesus. One reader then reads Peter’s message from the pulpit. A second reader rises from the congregation to read how the crowd responded. This reader may be seated on the first row and turn to face the congregation or may be seated (probably with a radio mike) in the middle of the congregation rising to read in place. 2) People responded to Peter’s message. They didn’t just listen, they did something. They believed and got baptized. It is a good day to walk children and the congregation through the believing rituals of your congregation – infant or believer’s baptism, confirmation, and such practices as first communion rites or Rite 13. Describe them and illustrate them by having a prepared person who has recently undergone each ritual stand as you describe it. In some congregations you may be able to ask the person to say briefly what was important about that ritual for him or her. Try to include people of all ages. (This may be helpful for many adult worshipers who are new to your traditions as well as lead children to look forward to their rites of believer’s passage.)
Die preekriglyn sluit by die feit aan dat ons die waarheid dikwels met ‘n gesindheid van apatie en onverskilligheid benader. God praat en nooi ons uit, maar ons voeg nie daad by die woord nie. Petrus was nie iemand wat sy woorde omgedraai het nie. In sy preek op Pinksterdag, met die uitstorting van die Heilige Gees, praat hy intens en dringend. Hy wil by die waarheid oor Jesus uitkom, en is nie juis taktvol nie. Heel reguit praat hy oor Jesus wat deur God aan Israel bekendgestel is, maar toe het “julle … Hom deur heidene aan die kruis laat spyker en Hom doodgemaak” (23). Petrus se ernstige en intense woorde moraliseer of veroordeel nie. Dit verf die Israeliete nie in ‘n hoekie vas waaruit hulle nie kan kom nie. Dit spoor hulle aan tot aksie. Dit verg ‘n respons. Hulle moet iets doen met die beslissende en wonderbaarlike dade van God in Jesus Christus van Nasaret. Doen nou iets daaraan!